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The Medicare Extra Help program

When you need a hand paying for prescription drug costs.


Get the help you need

Get the help you need

The Medicare Extra Help program is for those with limited income and resources. If you qualify for Extra Help, you’ll:


  • Get help paying your Medicare drug plan’s monthly premium, yearly deductible, coinsurance, and copayments
  • Have no coverage gap
  • Have no late enrollment penalty

Allina Health | Aetna Medicare members with Extra Help

Allina Health | Aetna Medicare members with Extra Help

As of January 1, 2025, those with Extra Help can switch plans once a quarter in the first nine months of the year.

You may qualify if you have up to:

  • $23,475 in yearly income ($31,725 for a married couple) and
  • $17,600 in resources ($35,130 for a married couple)

These amounts are for 2025. They may change in 2026. If your income and resources are slightly higher, you should still apply.

Pick your plan to see your monthly plan premium:


You pay a lower plan premium if you qualify for Extra Help. The level of Extra Help you get determines your monthly plan premium.



How to apply for Extra Help

How to apply for Extra Help

Allina Health | Aetna Medicare members can receive help applying for government assistance programs. To get help with your application, call "BeneLynk" at 1-888-715-0098 ${tty}. They’re available Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM ET. "BeneLynk" is a service offered by an independent company.


Apply online


You can also apply by calling Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 or TTY: 1-800-325-0778, Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 7 PM.


Visit the Social Security Administration (SSA) website


Get help with enrollment

Talk to a licensed agent at ${dynamicPhone} ${tty}, ${hours}.

Already a member?

Call an Allina Health | Aetna Medicare representative at ${membersPhone} ${tty}, ${membersHours}.